Philip Cullen

Actor, Director, Producer, Loudmouth

A self-proclaimed artistic jack-of-all-trades (hopefully a master of at least some, but we’ll see), Philip Cullen (he/him/his) is an up-and-coming theatremaker and storyteller based in Chicago, IL and Washington, DC. Most people call him Phil, but you can call him your new best friend!

Headshot by Melanie Ahn

What I’ve Been Up To Recently

I spent the fall studying in the Czech Republic at Prague Film School, where I did a semester-long intensive in Acting for the Screen, performed in a variety of short films, and made my professional voice acting debut in GSC Game World’s S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Shadow of Chornobyl, which will release later in 2024.

I’m currently a junior at Northwestern University pursuing a degree in Theatre and Legal Studies. Onstage, I most recently performed in Epic Magic Quest! with SeeSaw Theatre, a group that creates devised, sensory-friendly pieces for disabled and neurodivergent children in the Evanston area. Offstage, I’m currently working as the student producer for NU Faces Chicago, Northwestern Theatre’s senior class showcase for Chicago-area casting agencies, regional theaters, and industry professionals.